I plan on painting Bella's room turquoise. **shhhh!**
Don't worry, I plan on doing it after we move! Abel isn't quite as color-savy as I am, so he might freak just a little when he finds out. I have to ease him into it. Color swatches. A queen-sized quilt that would coordinate perfectly with turqouise walls. The ususal.
And because I'm such a visual person and I know you are too (otherwise you wouldn't stick around through the millions of pictures I post), here's what I mean by "turquoise"...

And maybe I'll accidentally grab 5 gallons too many and just need to paint the sewing room/guest room/office the same color. It would be a shame to waste such a pretty color.
I'm also playing around with the quilt I'm going to make for Bella. At first I thought of something like this:

But then I realized red wouldn't go with it all that well and you have to admit that red goes with turquoise just as well as pink. So I think I've settled on the "Oh Cherry Oh" line and make a quilt similar to this one:

It's perfect because it includes turquoise, green, pink, and red. Now I just have to figure out how big to make the quilt--whether it should be a true queen size or smaller so that it's easier for Bella to make her bed (since the mattress will be boardered on one side by the wall and the other by the roof of her bed/playhouse, you'll never notice and it may be too hard to mess with anyway).
Don't the colors just make you want to play? If I could find a good color combinatino which would make Bella want to clean, I'd be all set!
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