Thursday, June 21, 2007

Isabella's stripes

I initially had the idea that I would knit Isabella a pair of leg warmers. "Leg warmers?" you say "in the summer?" Why yes, of course. What else would protect sensative knees from getting carpet burn?

Anyway, the only problem with knitting Isabella a pair of leg warmers was that I don't know how to knit. Now, in my head, I could knite fabulously complicated and delicate leg warmers...but reality is a little different. So, I decided that I would make them out of those cute little socks that you see at the store all the time and wonder where you could ever wear them to...well, crawling certainly seems like the appropriate occasion to wear pink and purple stripes or jumping chickens.

I made them while Isabella was asleep and it was very tempting to just wake her up to try them on but then I remembered that I would prefer to sleep at night instead. So I had to wait until this afternoon. I definately wasn't disappointed. This she started to use her foot as a telephone...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mimi's Apron and Belly's Matching Dress

Because every Mimi needs an apron...I found this fabric at Joann's and it took me a while to finally decide what I wanted to do with it. I was thinking maybe a bag but found a cute little apron and decided Mimi had to have it. And once I made it, I decided that I had to have one too. I made Belly a matching dress which sports a cute little criss-cross straps that adjust so that it should fit her up to 25 lbs (she's just under 16 right now).

Monday, June 18, 2007

Return to Reality

We just got back from seeing my family and I have to say that it went by all too fast. We did, however, come back with a few wonderful finds. Including a .410 Snake Charmer, a 20 gague Shotgun, some vintages hankies, an old tablecloth, new fabric, a wooden train set, and a palm tree from by Grandparent's farm (among other things).

Some of the highlights of the trip included Bella's Baptism, my younger brother's confirmation, my cousin's wedding, a five generation picture, playing with the calves and donkeys, swimming, shopping, and vising with my family. It was absolutely perfect.

I held up great on my goodbye's at the airport, but (of course) lost it just before we landed. Creating a scene on the plane with quiet sobs...begging to go know, the usual. I'm sure people on the airplane were thinking that either I'd completely lost it or that I wasn't medicated like I should have been before I got on the airplane. Bella actually held up better than I did. She slept and played the entire flight. I couldn't have asked for a better baby.